華耀天擇有限公司(下稱“我們”)非常重視用戶的隱私和個人信息保護,也感謝您對我們的信任。我們將按法律法規要求,采取相應安全保護措施,盡力保護您的個人信息安全可控,為您提供合理高效的隱私保護。鑒於此,我們制定本《隱私政策》(下稱本政策 / 本隱私政策),向您說明我們會如何收集、使用、存儲、保護及對外提供您的信息,並說明您享有的權利。








































1.    當您在PDlive平臺上註冊賬號時,您需要向我們提供您的用於註冊的賬號名稱、手機號碼。收集這些信息是為了幫助您完成PDlive賬號註冊及實名認證,通過註冊驗證且您閱讀並同意本政策及用戶協議後將完成賬號註冊,您將能夠以註冊用戶身份在PDlive平臺上使用觀看直播、發送彈幕、留言評論等功能。如果您不同意授權或拒絕我們獲取上述信息,您仍可在PDlive平臺上以遊客身份進行瀏覽,但將無法在享受其他註冊用戶的功能和服務。


2.    當您通過第三方賬號(Facebook)註冊或登錄產品,您需要授權我們獲取您登錄所使用的第三方賬號的公開信息(包括頭像、昵稱、性別),並將該賬號與您的產品賬號進行綁定。如果您不同意授權或拒絕我們獲取上述信息,您將無法通過第三方賬號註冊或登錄產品,但不影響您正常使用產品的其他功能。


3.    完成產品賬號註冊後,您可以自行決定是否需要完善您的頭像、昵稱、性別、生日、地區、個性簽名等賬號信息。如果您完善以上額外信息,將有助於我們為您提供更好的服務和體驗,但如果您不提供上述信息,將不會影響使用產品的基本功能。


























1.    關註、搜索、瀏覽偏好(例如:感興趣的直播)等您的操作、使用行為信息;


2.    反饋、發布、點贊、評論、打賞等您主動提供的互動信息會存儲在我們的服務器中,因為存儲是實現這一功能所必需的; 


3.    獲得您明示同意後的地理位置信息,該信息屬於敏感信息,拒絕提供該信息僅會使您無法獲得更好的直播服務,但不影響您正常使用其他功能。




1.    向您展示、推薦或推送與您有更高相關程度的直播、音視頻;


2.    推薦相關的城市、地區的直播、音視頻等信息;


3.    向您推薦與您相關程度更高的程序化廣告。
















1.    與關聯公司間共享:為便於我們基於PDlive賬戶向您提供產品和服務,推薦您可能感興趣的信息,識別會員賬號異常,保護PDlive關聯公司或其他用戶或公眾的人身財產安全免遭侵害,您的個人信息可能會與我們的關聯公司和/或其指定的服務提供商共享。我們只會共享必要的個人信息,且受本隱私政策中所聲明目的的約束,如果我們共享您的個人敏感信息或關聯公司改變個人信息的使用及處理目的,將再次征求您的授權同意;


2.    與授權合作夥伴共享:我們可能委托授權合作夥伴為您提供某些服務或代表我們履行職能,我們僅會出於本隱私政策聲明的合法、正當、必要、特定、明確的目的共享您的信息,授權合作夥伴只能接觸到其履行職責所需信息,且不得將此信息用於其他任何目的。










3.    為了給您提供更好的服務或為了預防互聯網犯罪,我們的關聯公司、合作夥伴會依據法律的規定或征得您同意的前提下,向我們分享您的個人信息。我們可能從第三方獲取您授權共享的賬戶信息(頭像、昵稱),並在您同意本隱私政策後將您的第三方賬戶與您的賬戶綁定,使您可以通過第三方賬戶直接登錄並使用我們的產品或服務。我們會將依據與第三方的約定、對個人信息來源的合法性進行確認後,在符合相關法律和法規規定的前提下,使用您的這些個人信息。








1.    在獲取明確同意的情況下轉讓:獲得您的明確同意後,我們會向其他方轉讓您的個人信息;


2.    在香港華耀天擇公司發生合並、收購或破產清算情形,或其他涉及合並、收購或破產清算情形時,如涉及到個人信息轉讓,我們會要求新的持有您個人信息的公司、組織繼續受本政策的約束,否則我們將要求該公司、組織和個人重新向您征求授權同意。








1.    獲得您明確同意或基於您的主動選擇,我們可能會公開披露您的個人信息;


2.    如果我們確定您出現違反法律法規或嚴重違反PDlive相關協議及規則的情況,或為保護其他用戶或公眾的人身財產安全免遭侵害,我們可能依據法律法規或征得您同意的情況下披露關於您的個人信息,包括相關違規行為以及香港華耀天擇已對您采取的措施。






















1.    登錄香港華耀天擇網www.pdlive.com,進入個人中心後訪問、修改或刪除;


2.    登錄PDliveAPP,進入我的”→“我的昵稱,對個人資料等信息進行訪問、修改或刪除;


3.    登錄PDliveAPP,進入我的”→ (設置按鈕),選擇對應的設置選項,對賬號安全、隱私設置等信息進行訪問、修改或刪除;


4.    按照本政策文末所列明的公開聯系方式,與我們取得聯系。








1.    登錄PDlive手機客戶端,進入我的”→ (設置按鈕)賬號與安全註銷賬號;


2.    按照本政策文末所列明的公開聯系方式,聯系我們協助您註銷賬號。


















1.    與國家安全、國防安全直接相關的;


2.    與公共安全、公共衛生、重大公共利益直接相關的;


3.    與犯罪偵查、起訴、審判和執行判決等直接相關的;


4.    有充分證據表明您存在主觀惡意或濫用權利的;


5.    響應您的請求將導致其他個人、組織的合法權益受到嚴重損害的;


6.    涉及商業秘密的。










盡管當地法律和習俗對兒童的定義不同,但我們將不滿 14 周歲的任何人均視為兒童。










1.    適用的法律有明確規定;


2.    獲得您的明確授權同意。






1.    為遵守適用的法律法規等有關規定;


2.    為遵守法院判決、裁定或其他法律程序的規定;


3.    為遵守相關政府機關或法定授權組織的要求;


4.    我們有理由確信需要遵守法律法規等有關規定。


5.    為執行相關服務協議或本政策、維護社會公共利益,為保護客戶、我們或我們的關聯公司、其他用戶或雇員的人身財產安全或其他合法權益所合理必需的用途。








() 業務功能變更;


() 我們的基本情況發生變化,例如:兼並、收購、重組引起的所有者變更;


() 收集、存儲、使用個人信息的範圍、目的、規則發生變化;


() 對外提供個人信息的對象、範圍、目的發生變化;


() 您訪問和管理個人信息的方式發生變化;


() 數據安全能力、信息安全風險發生變化;


() 用戶詢問、投訴的渠道和機制,以及外部糾紛解決機構及聯絡方式發生變化;


() 其他可能對您的個人信息權益產生重大影響的變化。






















为了向您提供一键分享服务,我们的产品集成发盟+UShare SDK,友盟+SDK需要收集您的设备Mac地址、唯一设备识别码(MEV/android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUIDSIM IMSI信息)以及您需要分享的社交账号公开信息,以便完成一键分享服务。并通过地理位置校准报表数据准确性,提供基础反作弊服务。为了您的信息安全,我们已与第三方SDK服务商进行数据安全保密约定,这些公司会严格遵守我们的数据隐私和安全要求。除非得到您的同意,我们不会与其共享您的个人身份信息。为便于您更好地了解[友盟+]采集的数据类型及用途,以及何保护您的个人信息,您可以登陆https://www.umeng.com/page/policy了解[友盟+]隐私权政策



為了向您提供一鍵分享服務,我們的產品集成Mob+U-Share SDKMob+SDK需要收集您的設備Mac地址、唯一設備識別碼(1MEI/android ID/IDFA/OPENUDID/GUIDSIMIMSI信息)以及您需要分享的社交賬號公開信息,以便完成一鍵分享服務。並通過地理位置校準報表數據準確性,提供基礎反作弊服務。為了您的信息安全,我們已與第三方SDK服務商進行數據安全保密約定,這些公司會嚴格遵守我們的數據隱私和安全要求。  除非得到您的同意,我們不會與其共享您的個人身份信息。為便於您更好地了解[Mob+]采集的數據類型及用途,以及何保護您的個人信息,您可以登陸https://www.mob.com/about/policy了解[Mob+]隱私權政策



.setMessage("是否同意極光推送SDK獲取以下權限 1.獲取您的設備標識符信息(IMEI  IDFAAndroid IDMACOAID  相關信息)、應用信息(應用崩潰信息、通知開關狀態、軟件列表等相關信息)、設備參數及系統信息(設備類型、設備型號、操作系統及硬件相關信息) 2.獲取您的位置信息 3.獲取您的讀寫外部存儲 4.查看您的網絡鏈接狀態(IP地址,WiFi信息,基站信息等相關信息)用於為您推送服務提醒、訂閱消息等極光SDK隱私協議:https://www.jiguang.cn/license/privacy點擊同意即表示您已閱讀極光SDK隱私政策,請詳細閱讀相關條款,如有疑問可聯系support@jiguang.cn").





 Huayao Natural Selection Co., Limited (hereinafter referred to as "we") attaches great importance to users' privacy and personal information protection, and thanks for your trust in us. We will take corresponding security measures according to the requirements of laws and regulations, try our best to protect your personal information safely and controllably, and provide you with reasonable and efficient privacy protection. In view of this, we have formulated this Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as this Policy/Privacy Policy) to explain to you how we will collect, use, store, protect and provide your information to the outside world, and explain your rights.


This policy applies to the PDlive webcast platform developed and operated by Huayao Natural Selection Co., Ltd., and also applies to other Internet products developed and operated by Huayao Natural Selection Co., Ltd., but Huayao Natural Selection Co., In other products developed and operated by LIMITED, if privacy policies are set independently and the provisions on the collection, use, storage and protection of user information are different from this policy, its provisions shall apply. This privacy policy does not apply to services provided to you by other independent third parties. When the third party on our platform provides services to you by relying on our platform, the personal information you provide to the third party does not apply to this privacy policy.


Before using our products or services, please read and thoroughly understand this privacy policy, and use related products or services after confirming your full understanding and consent. If you use the products or services provided by us, it means that you fully understand and agree with what we have stated in this policy.


This policy will help you understand the following:


1. How do we collect and use your personal information


2. How do we entrust to process, share, transfer and publicly disclose your personal information?


Third, how can we protect your personal information?


Fourth, your rights


V. How do we handle children's personal information


6. How do we store your personal information?


VII. How to update this policy?


Eight, how to contact us




I how do we collect and use your information?


We collect and use your personal information according to the principles of legality, justness and necessity in order to realize the following functions of this policy:




(a) to ensure the normal operation of products.


In order to ensure your normal use of the basic functions and services of PDlive, improve and optimize our service experience, and ensure the security of your account, when you use the services of our platform or visit the webpage of the platform, we will automatically receive and record the information of your browser, computer and mobile device, including but not limited to your IP address, browser type, language used, visit date and time, software and hardware feature information and your webpage record. If you download or use the client software of us or our affiliated companies, or visit the mobile webpage to use the services of our platform, we may read information related to your location and mobile devices, including but not limited to the device model, device identification code, operating system, resolution, telecom operator, etc. This kind of information is the basic and necessary information that must be collected to provide services. We will not combine the information we store in the analysis software with any personally identifiable information you provide in the application.




(2) Registered account number


1. When you register your account on PDlive platform, you need to provide us with your account name and mobile phone number for registration. This information is collected to help you complete the registration and real-name authentication of PDlive account. After the registration is verified and you have read and agreed to this policy and user agreement, you will be able to use the functions of watching live broadcast, sending barrage and leaving comments on PDlive platform as a registered user. If you don't agree to authorize or refuse us to obtain the above information, you can still browse as a tourist on PDlive platform, but you will not be able to enjoy the functions and services of other registered users.


2. When you register or log in a product through a third-party account (Facebook), you need to authorize us to obtain the public information (including avatar, nickname and gender) of the third-party account used for your login, and bind the account with your product account. If you do not agree to authorize or deny us access to the above information, you will not be able to register or log in the product through a third-party account, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of the product.


3. After completing the product account registration, you can decide whether you need to improve your account information such as your avatar, nickname, gender, birthday, region and personalized signature. If you improve the above additional information, it will help us to provide you with better service and experience, but if you do not provide the above information, it will not affect the basic functions of using the product.




(3) Authentication of real-name authentication users


When you want to use the live broadcast function on the PDlive platform, you need to complete the real-name authentication according to the relevant national regulations. We will collect your name, ID number, IP address, facial features (for face recognition) and bank account number (for real-name authentication when face recognition fails). This information is sensitive, and it is collected to meet the relevant national regulations to authenticate the Internet live broadcast publisher. If you don't agree with us to collect the above information, you will not be able to complete the real-name authentication and use the live broadcast function on the PDlive platform. In addition, we will collect information related to the ID number of real-name authentication users, including name, gender, date of birth and place of origin. The purpose of collecting this information is to provide relevant value-added services to real-name authentication users. If you don't agree with us to collect this information, we will not provide you with relevant services, but it will not affect your use of other basic functions of the product.




(4) Providing functions or services related to recharging consumption.


When you use the consumption function of PDlive products, we will collect your recharge record and consumption record information, so that you can inquire about your transaction records and protect your property and virtual property to the greatest extent. The above information is sensitive, but it is necessary to collect the above information to realize the relevant functions, otherwise the transaction will not be completed.




(5) Realize the function of personal dynamic sharing.


When you use the function of comment, dynamic and photo wall, your uploaded text, pictures, voice, short video and likes will be stored in our server, because storage is necessary to realize this function. You can delete this information at any time. Unless you choose or comply with relevant laws and regulations, we will not provide the above information to the public or use it for other purposes than this function. Please note that your publicly released information may involve your or others' personal information or even personal sensitive information. If you choose to upload pictures containing personal information, please consider more carefully whether to share or even publicly share relevant information when using our service.




(six) to provide personalized recommendation, display or push services.


When you use PDlive, we will collect the following information from you:


1. Pay attention to, search, browse preferences (such as live broadcasts of interest) and other information about your operation and use behavior;


2. Feedback, posting, likes, comments, rewards and other interactive information provided by you will be stored in our server, because storage is necessary to realize this function;  


3. Get the geographical location information after your express consent, which is sensitive information. Refusing to provide this information will only make you unable to get a better live broadcast service, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions.


We will combine the above information with information from other services, analyze features and preferences through program algorithms, and make indirect crowd portraits based on feature tags, so as to personally recommend, show or push specific live broadcast, audio and video, advertisements and other information that you may be interested in, or push specific functions or services that are more suitable for you:


1. Show, recommend or push live broadcasts, audio and video that are more relevant to you;


2. Recommend the live broadcast, audio and video information of relevant cities and regions;


3. Recommend programmatic advertisements that are more relevant to you.




Second, how do we entrust to process, share, transfer and publicly disclose your information?


(1) Entrusted handling


Some specific modules or functions of live broadcast service provided on PDlive platform are provided by external suppliers. For example, we will hire a service provider to help us complete face recognition for real-name authentication users.


We will sign strict confidentiality agreements with companies, organizations and individuals entrusted by us to handle personal information, requiring them to handle personal information in accordance with our requirements, this privacy policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.




(2) Sharing


1. Sharing with affiliated companies: In order to facilitate us to provide products and services to you based on PDlive account, recommend information that you may be interested in, identify abnormal member accounts, and protect the personal and property safety of PDlive affiliated companies or other users or the public from infringement, your personal information may be shared with our affiliated companies and/or their designated service providers. We will only share the necessary personal information and be bound by the purpose stated in this privacy policy. If we share your sensitive personal information or the affiliated company changes the purpose of using and processing your personal information, we will seek your authorization again;


2. Sharing with authorized partners: We may entrust authorized partners to provide you with certain services or perform functions on our behalf. We will only share your information for the legitimate, legitimate, necessary, specific and clear purposes stated in this privacy policy. Authorized partners can only access the information they need to perform their duties and may not use this information for any other purpose.


At present, our authorized partners include the following types:


(1) Authorized partners in advertising and analysis services. Unless we get your permission, we will not share your personally identifiable information with partners who provide advertising and analysis services. We will provide these partners with information about their advertising coverage and effectiveness, but we will not provide you with personally identifiable information, or we will aggregate this information so that it will not identify you personally. Such partners may combine the above information with other data legally obtained by them for advertising or decision-making suggestions;


(2) Suppliers, service providers and other partners. We send information to suppliers, service providers and other partners who support our business, such as providing technical infrastructure services, analyzing how our services are used, measuring the effectiveness of advertisements and services, providing customer service, facilitating payment or conducting academic research and investigation.


We will agree with them on strict data protection measures, so that they can handle personal information according to our instructions, this privacy policy and any other relevant confidentiality and security measures.


3. In order to provide you with better services or prevent Internet crimes, our affiliated companies and partners will share your personal information with us according to the provisions of the law or with your consent. We may obtain account information (avatar, nickname) that you are authorized to share from a third party, and bind your third-party account with your account after you agree to this privacy policy, so that you can directly log in and use our products or services through the third-party account. We will use your personal information on the premise of complying with relevant laws and regulations after confirming the legality of the source of personal information according to the agreement with the third party.




(3) Transfer


We will not transfer your personal information to any company, organization or individual, except the following circumstances:


1. Transfer with explicit consent: We will transfer your personal information to other parties with your explicit consent;


2. In the case of merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation of Huayao Natural Selection Company in Hong Kong, or other situations involving merger, acquisition or bankruptcy liquidation, if personal information is transferred, we will ask the new company and organization holding your personal information to continue to be bound by this policy, otherwise we will ask the company, organization and individual to seek authorization from you again.




(4) Public disclosure


We will only publicly disclose your personal information in the following circumstances:


1. We may publicly disclose your personal information with your explicit consent or based on your active choice;


2. If we determine that you have violated laws and regulations or seriously violated the relevant agreements and rules of PDlive, or in order to protect the personal and property safety of other users or the public from infringement, we may disclose personal information about you according to laws and regulations or with your consent, including relevant violations and measures taken by Hong Kong Huayao Natural Selection.




Third, how can we protect your personal information?


In order to ensure your information security, we strive to take all reasonable physical, electronic and management security measures to protect your information, so that your information will not be leaked, damaged or lost, including but not limited to SSL, information encrypted storage and access control of data centers. We also take strict management on employees or outsourcing personnel who may come into contact with your information, including but not limited to taking different access control according to different positions, signing confidentiality agreements with them, monitoring their operation and other measures. We will provide corresponding security measures to protect your information and provide reasonable security according to the existing technology, and we will try our best to prevent your information from being leaked, damaged or lost. At present, Hong Kong Huayao Natural Selection has passed the filing and evaluation of national information security level protection (level 3), and has corresponding data security and information protection capabilities.


Your account has security protection function, please take good care of your account and password information. We will ensure that your information will not be lost, abused or altered through security measures such as backing up to other servers and encrypting user passwords. Despite the aforementioned security measures, please also understand that there are no "perfect security measures" on the information network. If you find your personal information leaked, especially your account and password, please contact our customer service immediately according to the public contact information listed at the end of this policy so that we can take corresponding measures.




Fourth, your rights


(a) access, modify and delete information


You can access, modify and delete the registration information and other personal information provided by you while using our service. The scope and manner in which you access, modify and delete personal information will depend on the specific service you use.


We will collect and use your information only to realize the functions of our products or services in accordance with this policy. If you find that we collect and use your personal information in violation of laws, administrative regulations or the agreement of both parties, you can ask us to delete it. If you find any errors in your personal information collected and stored by usYou can also ask us to correct it.


You can access, modify or delete your information in the following ways:


1. Log in to www.pdlive.com and visit, modify or delete after entering the Personal Center;


2. Log in to PDliveAPP and enter "My" → "My Nickname" to access, modify or delete personal data and other information;


3. Log in to PDliveAPP, enter "My" → (Settings button), select the corresponding settings options, and access, modify or delete information such as account security and privacy settings;


4. Contact us according to the public contact information listed at the end of this policy.




(2) Cancellation of account number


You can cancel your account in the following ways:


1. Log in to PDlive mobile client, and enter "My" → (Settings button) → Account and Security → Cancel account;


2. Contact us to help you cancel your account according to the public contact information listed at the end of this policy.


After you voluntarily cancel your account, we will stop providing you with all products and services associated with this PDlive account, delete your personal information according to the requirements of applicable laws, or anonymize it.




(3) Change the scope of your authorization and consent.


Every business function needs some basic personal information to be completed. You can give or withdraw authorization to us by changing the settings of smart mobile devices such as mobile phones and tablets or by the ways listed above. When you withdraw the relevant authorization, we will no longer process the corresponding personal information. However, your decision to withdraw your consent will not affect the previous personal information processing based on your authorization.




(4) How can we respond to your above request?


When you access, modify or delete related information or account, we may ask you to authenticate yourself to ensure the security of your account.


Please understand that due to technical limitations, legal or regulatory requirements, we may not be able to meet all your requirements, and we will reply to your request within a reasonable period of time. At the same time, according to relevant laws, regulations and national standards, we may not be able to respond to your request in the following circumstances:


1 directly related to national security and national defense security;


2. Directly related to public safety, public health and major public interests;


3. Directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and execution of judgments;


4. There is sufficient evidence to show that you have subjective malice or abuse of rights;


5. Responding to your request will cause serious damage to the legitimate rights and interests of other individuals and organizations;


6. Involving trade secrets.




V. How do we handle children's personal information


If you are a minor under the age of 14, we ask your parents or guardians to read this privacy policy carefully and use our products or services under their guidance after obtaining the consent of your parents or guardians.


If you have obtained the consent of your parents to use our products or services, we will only use or publicly disclose your personal information when permitted by law, explicitly agreed by parents or guardians or necessary to protect children.


Although local laws and customs define children differently, we regard anyone under the age of 14 as a child.


If we find that we have collected children's personal information without prior verifiable parental consent, we will try to delete the relevant data as soon as possible. If you think that we may improperly hold information about children, please contact us according to the public contact information listed at the end of this policy.




6. How do we store your personal information?


Personal information collected and generated during our operations in People's Republic of China (PRC) is stored in China, except for the following situations:


1. The applicable law has clear provisions;


2. Get your explicit authorization.


We promise that the storage time of your personal information will always be within a reasonable and necessary period. For personal information beyond the time limit, we will delete or anonymize it. When our products or services stop operating, we will inform you in the form of push notice and announcement, and delete your personal information or anonymize it within a reasonable period of time.


Under the following circumstances, we may change the storage time of personal information because of the need to meet legal requirements:


1. In order to comply with applicable laws and regulations and other relevant provisions;


2. In order to comply with the provisions of court judgments, rulings or other legal procedures;


3. In order to comply with the requirements of relevant government agencies or legally authorized organizations;


We have reason to believe that we need to abide by laws, regulations and other relevant provisions.


5. Use that is reasonably necessary to implement the relevant service agreement or this policy, safeguard social public interests, and protect the personal and property safety or other legitimate rights and interests of customers, us or our affiliated companies, other users or employees.




VII. How to update this policy?


We will revise the terms of our privacy policy in a timely manner when:


(1) Changes in business functions;


(2) Our basic situation has changed, such as the change of owner caused by merger, acquisition and reorganization;


(3) The scope, purpose and rules for the collection, storage and use of personal information have changed;


(four) the object, scope and purpose of providing personal information to the outside world have changed;


(5) The way you access and manage personal information has changed;


(six) data security capabilities, information security risks have changed;


(seven) the channels and mechanisms of users' inquiries and complaints, as well as changes in external dispute resolution institutions and contact information;


(eight) other changes that may have a significant impact on your personal information rights and interests.


Due to the large number of users, if this policy is updated, we will inform you by means of push notification, pop-up prompt, email/short message or announcement on www.pdlive.com, the official website of Huayao Natural Selection. In order to receive the notification in time, we suggest that you inform us in time when the contact information is updated. If you continue to use our services after this policy update takes effect, it means that you have fully read, understood and accepted the updated policy and are willing to be bound by it.




Eight, how to contact us


If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about our privacy policy, you can contact us at any time in the following ways:


Company name: Huayao Natural Selection Co., Limited.


Registered address: Unit 205 Unit C 2/F Kwong on Bank Mongkok Branch BLDG 728-730 Nathan rd Mongkok HK.






Normally, we will reply within 30 days. If you are not satisfied with our reply, especially our personal information processing behavior has damaged your legitimate rights and interests, you can also submit the dispute to the people's court with jurisdiction where Huayao Natural Selection Company in Hong Kong is located (Shushan District, Hefei City, Anhui Province) for a solution.



Union privacy policy

In order to provide you with one-click sharing service, our products are integrated with FAN +UShare SDK, and Youmeng +SDK needs to collect your device Mac address, unique device identification code (MeV/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUDID/GUID, SIM card IMSI information) and the public information of social accounts you need to share in order to complete the one-click sharing service. And through the geographical location to calibrate the accuracy of report data, to provide basic anti-cheating services. For your information security, we have entered into a data security agreement with third-party SDK service providers, and these companies will strictly abide by our data privacy and security requirements. We won't share your personally identifiable information with you unless we get your consent. In order to help you better understand the types and uses of data collected by [Youmeng+] and how to protect your personal information, you can visit https://www.umeng.com/page/policy to learn about [Youmeng+] privacy policy.


Mob privacy policy

In order to provide you with one-click sharing service, our product integrates Mob+U-Share SDK. Mob+SDK needs to collect your device Mac address, unique device identification code (1mei/Android ID/IDFA/OpenUdid/GUID, SIM card IMSI information) and the public information of social accounts you need to share in order to complete the one-click sharing service. And through the geographical location to calibrate the accuracy of report data, to provide basic anti-cheating services. For your information security, we have entered into a data security agreement with third-party SDK service providers, and these companies will strictly abide by our data privacy and security requirements. We won't share your personally identifiable information with you unless we get your consent. In order to help you better understand the types and uses of data collected by [Mob+] and how to protect your personal information, you can visit https://www.mob.com/about/policy to learn about [Mob+] privacy policy.


Aurora pushes privacy policy

. setMessage ("Do you agree to push the SDK to get the following rights? 1. Get your device identifier information (IMEI, IDFA, Android ID, MAC, OAID and other related information), application information (application crash information, notification switch status, software list and other related information), device parameters and system information (device type, device model, operating system and hardware related information). 2. Get your location information 3. Get your read-write external storage 4. Check your network link status (IP address, WiFi information, base station information and other related information) to push service reminders, subscribe to messages and other privacy protocols of Aurora SDK: https://www.jiguang.cn/license/privacy's clicking "Agree" means that you have read the privacy policy of Aurora SDK. Please read the relevant terms in detail. If you have any questions, please contact support@jiguang.cn ").


Positioning privacy policy

. setMessage ("This application will collect location data to support the function of automatically locating international area code and viewing user location information when registering, even if this application is closed or not in use." )


