


1.1 用戶注冊和使用PDLIVE直播軟件,必須事先認真閱讀、充分理解本協議中各條款,尤其應特別注意免除或者限制PDLIVE直播責任的免責條款及對用戶的權利限制條款。如用戶不同意本協議,用戶應不注冊使用或主動取消PDLIVE直播提供的服務。若用戶使用第三方賬號登錄,也請用戶務必認真閱讀本協議。用戶的使用行爲將被視爲用戶已經認真閱讀本協議所有內容並完全接受。

1.2 特別提醒:用戶確認,在開始使用本軟件及相關服務時已經具備中華人民共和國法律規定或者用戶所在地法律規定的與用戶行爲相適應的民事行爲能力,如用戶不具備前述與行爲相適應的民事行爲能力的,請用戶及用戶監護人依照法律規定承擔因此導致的一切後果。

1.3 此文本可能因國家政策、産品以及履行本協議的環境發生變化而進行修改,修改後的協議發布在PDLIVE直播所有産品(包含但不限于APP、網站、PC客戶端)上。修改後的協議公布七日後即視爲“PDLIVE直播已通知用戶協議修改內容。若用戶對修改後的協議有異議的,請立即停止訪問、使用PDLIVE直播軟件,若用戶繼續訪問或使用,視爲對修改後的協議予以認可。


1.5 PDLIVE直播會在本協議的基礎上,制定發布平台規則,平台規則是本協議的有效組成部分,用戶對本協議的接受與遵守也視爲對平台規則的接受與遵守。



2.1 用戶需通過手機號注冊(升級)PDLIVE賬號,注冊(升級)成功之後,PDLIVE會按系統規則自動分配給用戶一個PDLIVE賬號,用戶需自行設置符合安全要求的密碼。

2.2 PDLIVE賬號的性質是用戶使用PDLIVE服務的憑證,用戶爲取得PDLIVE賬號合法使用權人,有權自行保管賬戶、設置密碼、設置名稱。PDLIVE將采用技術手段阻止其他用戶設置與您同名的賬戶名稱。

2.3 PDLIVE賬號還是用戶持有、使用相關虛擬財産、道具的身份憑證。用戶若需要接受PDLIVE提供的增值服務,PDLIVE賬號同時也是用戶支付費用、接受增值服務的憑證。

2.4 用戶注冊了PDLIVE賬號並不意味獲得全部PDLIVE産品的授權,僅僅是取得了接受PDLIVE服務的身份,用戶在登錄相關網頁、加載應用、下載安裝軟件、使用某些單項服務時需要另行簽署單個産品/服務的授權協議。

2.5 用戶可以按照PDLIVE的業務規則用PDLIVE賬號登錄和使用PDLIVE提供的各種軟件和服務。

2.6 PDLIVE賬號僅限于在PDLIVE軟件上使用用戶手機號注冊並實名認證,並僅供注冊並實名認證用戶本人使用,禁止賬號的贈與、借用、租用、轉讓或售賣,否則一切法律後果自行承擔。

2.7 用戶保證注冊PDLIVE賬號時填寫的身份信息是真實的,任何非法、不真實、不准確的用戶信息所産生的責任由用戶承擔。用戶應不斷更新注冊資料,符合及時、詳盡、真實、准確的要求。所有原始鍵入的資料將引用用戶的賬號注冊資料。如果因用戶的注冊信息不真實而引起的問題,以及對問題發生所帶來的後果,PDLIVE不負任何責任。

2.8 用戶需保證PDLIVE賬號的昵稱需符合中華人民共和國國家網信辦頒布的《互聯網用戶賬號名稱管理規定》的要求,不得設置任何包含危害國家安全、國家統一、社會穩定的內容,或侮辱誹謗、色情、暴力、引起他人不安及任何違反國家法律法規政策的內容作爲昵稱。




3.1 用戶保證使用PDLIVE軟件發布、傳播的信息的真實性、准確性,同時保證不會利用PDLIVE的服務制作、複制、發布、傳播、存儲含有下列內容的信息:(1)反對憲法所確定的基本原則的;(2)危害國家安全,泄露國家秘密,顛覆國家政權,破壞國家統一的;(3)損害國家榮譽和利益的;(4)煽動民族仇恨、民族歧視,破壞民族團結的;(5)破壞國家宗教政策,宣揚邪教和封建迷信的;(6)散布謠言,擾亂社會秩序,破壞社會穩定的;(7)散布淫穢、色情、賭博、暴力、凶殺、恐怖或者教唆犯罪的;(8)侮辱或者誹謗他人,侵害他人知識産權或其他合法權益的;(9)煽動非法集會、結社、遊行、示威、聚衆擾亂社會秩序的;(10)含有虛假、有害、脅迫、侵害他人隱私、中傷、低俗、或其它道德上令人反感的內容的;(11)含有法律、行政法規禁止的其他內容的。

3.2 用戶不得在PDLIVE軟件上違規進行發布廣告、銷售商品的商業行爲,包括但不限于以下行爲:(1)發布宣傳色情網站、成人用品網站等色情、低俗內容;(2)發布宣傳假冒僞劣産品或未經授權銷售的産品內容;(3)發布宣傳國家明令禁止或未取得國家許可銷售的産品內容;(4)發布宣傳販賣虛擬貨幣、平台道具等內容;(5)發布組織、宣傳網絡兼職內容;(6)宣傳其他平台、網絡遊戲鏈接;(7)惡意刷屏、擾亂平台秩序;(8)其他違反法律法規或PDLIVE直播平台規則的內容。

3.3 用戶不得進行任何危害計算機網絡安全的行爲,包括但不限于:使用未經許可的數據或進入未經許可的服務器/賬戶;未經允許進入公衆計算機網絡或者他人計算機系統並刪除、修改、增加存儲信息;未經許可,企圖探查、掃描、測試本軟件系統或網絡的弱點或其它實施破壞網絡安全的行爲;企圖幹涉、破壞本軟件系統或網站的正常運行,故意傳播惡意程序或病毒以及其他破壞幹擾正常網絡信息服務的行爲;僞造TCP/IP數據包名稱或部分名稱。

3.4 用戶不得進行任何破壞PDLIVE服務公平性或者其他影響應用正常秩序的行爲,包括但不限于主動或被動刷分、合夥作弊、使用外挂或者其他的作弊軟件、利用BUG(又叫漏洞或者缺陷)來獲得不正當的非法利益,或者利用互聯網或其他方式將外挂、作弊軟件、BUG公之于衆。

3.5 用戶不得有償或無償轉讓PDLIVE賬號,以免産生糾紛。用戶應當自行承擔由此産生的任何責任,同時PDLIVE保留追究上述行爲人法律責任的權利。

3.6 用戶不得有其他損害PDLIVE利益、名譽的行爲。

3.7 若用戶違反本協議的相關規定,PDLIVE有權根據情節輕重,采取包括但不限于以下處罰措施:暫時限制賬號的使用、永久凍結賬號某項功能、永久封停賬號、回收賬號、剔除違法所得、扣罰保證金或傭金、終止所有服務等。

3.8 PDLIVE按照本協議及相關平台規則或相關法律法規,限制、凍結或終止用戶對PDLIVE服務的使用,而由此給用戶帶來的損失(包括但不限于通信中斷,用戶資料、郵件和遊戲道具及相關數據等的清空等),由用戶自行承擔。



4.1 用戶在使用PDLIVE服務的過程中可能會接受到他人傳達或發送包括威脅性的、誹謗性的、令人反感的或非法的內容或行爲,或侵犯他人權利(包括知識産權)的匿名或冒名的信息風險,用戶須承擔以上風險,PDLIVE對服務不作擔保,不論是明確的或隱含的,包括所有有關信息真實性、適商性、適于某一特定用途、所有權和非侵權性的默示擔保和條件,對因此導致任何因用戶不正當或非法使用服務産生的直接、間接、偶然、特殊及後續的損害,不承擔任何責任。

4.2 用戶使用PDLIVE服務必須遵守國家有關法律和政策等,維護國家利益,保護國家安全,並遵守本條款,對于用戶違法或違反本協議的使用(包括但不限于言論發表、傳送等)而引起的一切責任,由用戶負全部責任。

4.3 PDLIVE的服務同大多數因特網産品一樣,易受到各種安全問題的困擾,包括但不限于:1)透露詳細個人資料,被不法分子利用,造成現實生活中的騷擾;2)哄騙、破譯密碼;3)下載安裝的其它軟件中含有特洛伊木馬等病毒,威脅到個人計算計上信息和數據的安全,繼而影響對本軟件的使用。對于發生上述情況的,用戶應當自行承擔責任。

4.4 用戶理解,互聯網技術的不穩定性,可能導致政府政策管制、病毒入侵、黑客攻擊、服務器系統崩潰或者其他現今技術無法解決的風險發生,上述風險可能導致PDLIVE服務中斷或賬號道具損失,對此等非人爲因素引起的損失PDLIVE不承擔責任。

4.5 PDLIVE不對發布在本網站上的廣告的産品效果、宣傳、信息准確性負責,用戶在接觸這些廣告時自行判斷。

4.6 用戶同意運營商向其接收信息的裝置或軟件包括但不限于固定電話、移動電話、電子郵箱、Facebook等發送服務信息和商業性廣告。



5.1 PDLIVE的文字、圖片、視頻、音頻、軟件等元素,PDLIVE服務標志、標識以及專利權,PDLIVE對此享有上述所有內容的知識産權。

5.2 用戶使用PDLIVE軟件服務只能在本協議以及相應的授權許可協議授權的範圍使用PDLIVE知識産權,未經授權超範圍使用的構成對PDLIVE的侵權。

5.3 用戶在使用PDLIVE軟件服務時發布上傳的文字、圖片、音視頻、軟件以及表演等用戶原創的信息,此部分信息的知識産權歸用戶,但用戶的發表、上傳行爲視爲免費授權PDLIVE服務平台使用,用戶確認將其發表、上傳的信息非獨占性、永久性、免費地授權給PDLIVE,該授權可轉授權。PDLIVE可將前述信息在PDLIVE旗下的服務平台上使用,可再次編輯後使用,也可以由PDLIVE授權給合作方使用。

5.4 PDLIVE軟件內的信息以及其他用戶上傳、存儲、傳播的信息有侵犯用戶或第三人的知識産權的,與PDLIVE無關,但PDLIVE提供投訴通道。權利人應對投訴的真實性負責。若投訴的內容不真實,權利人將承擔由此造成的全部法律責任。PDLIVE收到權利人的投訴及完整的證明材料後,將立即刪除涉嫌侵權的作品,或者斷開涉嫌侵權作品的鏈接。



6.1 PDLIVE軟件部分功能或應用涉及付費,用戶輸入賬號密碼的行爲視爲對收費服務的接受和訂閱,用戶一旦接受訂閱收費服務,需要按PDLIVE公示的收費標准支付費用。

6.2 用戶在進行消費時,請事先了解消費價格及事項;如用戶是未成年人,請在監護人的認可後進行消費。

6.3 支付渠道需要收取手續費,具體手續費用視不同的支付渠道而定。

6.4 用戶付費後獲得的權益不得轉讓給第三人。



7.1 用戶的PDLIVE賬號、密碼屬于保密信息,PDLIVE應當采取積極的措施保護用戶賬號、密碼的安全。用戶的注冊信息作爲PDLIVE的商業秘密進來保護。但用戶同時明白,互聯網的開放性以及技術更新非常快,非PDLIVE可控制的因素導致用戶泄漏的,PDLIVE不承擔責任。

7.2 用戶應當妥善保管自己的PDLIVE賬號、密碼,用戶就其賬號及密碼項下之一切活動負全部責任,包括用戶數據的修改,虛擬道具的損失以及其他所有的損失由用戶自行承擔。用戶須重視PDLIVE賬號密碼保護。用戶如發現他人未經許可使用其賬號時立即通知PDLIVE

7.3 用戶PDLIVE賬號在丟失或遺忘密碼後,可遵照PDLIVE的忘記密碼來找回賬號。用戶應不斷提供能增加賬號安全性的個人密碼保護資料。用戶可以憑賬號身份認證信息、初始注冊資料及個人密碼保護資料填寫申訴單向PDLIVE申請找回賬號。PDLIVE的密碼找回機制僅負責識別申訴單上所填資料與系統記錄資料的正確性,而無法識別申訴人是否系真正賬號使用人。對用戶因被他人冒名申訴而致的任何損失,PDLIVE不承擔任何責任,用戶知曉PDLIVE賬號及密碼保管責任在于用戶,PDLIVE並不承諾PDLIVE賬號丟失或遺忘密碼後用戶一定能通過申訴找回賬號。

7.4 如果PDLIVE賬號的使用者存在使用歸屬爭議,則PDLIVE將按照評判規則,根據用戶提交的信息進行判定。PDLIVE賬號存在爭議的情況下,PDLIVE有權暫時中止爭議賬號的。



































退換政策因應顧客購買的項目而異 , 請顧客購物前務必了解相關退換政策後自行考慮是否購買。 如有任何爭議,本司擁有最終詮釋及決策權。


9.1 A.由於鑽石和星幣均屬虛擬產品 , 一經發貨 , 不接受無理退款/退貨或換貨。 B.顧客有責任妥善保管經本司獲得的交易單號 , 絕不輕易轉交其他人 , 如因過失被盜用 , 相關產品將無法退換。 C.如果顧客將自己的會員資料或付款資料給予其他人 , 這將視為濫用本司的退換政策 , 本司將不予退款。


9.2如遇特殊情況,本司可以考慮酌情處理,包括但不限於 鑽石及星幣: 如獲PDLIVE官方同意 , 並於相關手續流程完成後 , 本司可為顧客進行退貨退款








User service agreement is an agreement signed between you (hereinafter referred to as "user") and the PDlive live broadcast software (website) service provider (hereinafter referred to as "PDlive") on the registration and use of PDlive account.PDlive broadcast software (website) refers to www.PDlive.com Website, PDlive PC client and PDlive related app software (hereinafter referred to as "PDlive" or "the software"). Now the site is owned and operated by HUAYAO NATURAL SELECTION CO., LIMITED(UNIT 205 UNIT C 2/F KWONG ON BANK MONGKOK BRANCH BLDG 728-730 NATHAN RD MONG KOK HK)


  1. Important information

   1.1 If users want to register and use the PDlive  broadcast software, they must carefully read and fully understand the terms of this agreement in advance. In particular, they should pay special attention to the exemption clauses of the responsibility of the PDlive live broadcast and the restrictions on the rights of the users. If the user does not agree with this agreement, the user shall not register to use or take the initiative to cancel the service provided by PDlive live broadcast. If the user logs in with a third-party account, the user must read this Agreement carefully, and the user's use behavior will be regarded as the complete acceptance of this agreement.

   1.2 Special reminder: if the user is a minor, please read this agreement accompanied by the guardian, register to use the PDlive live broadcast software, and ask the guardian to earnestly perform the guardianship responsibility.

   1.3 After the user accepts this agreement, this text may be modified due to changes in national policies, products and the implementation environment of this agreement. The modified agreement will be published on all products of PDlive live broadcast (including but not limited to app, website and PC client). Seven days after the revised agreement is published, it will be deemed that the "PDlive live" has informed the user of the content of the modification. If the user has any objection to the modified agreement, please stop accessing and use the PDlive live broadcast software immediately. If the user continues to visit or use the software, it will be deemed that the modified agreement is approved.

   1.4 At present, PDlive broadcast provides users with rich Internet services, including but not limited to video, voice communication, online games, etc. in addition to text and picture information, users shall abide by the separate agreement, rules and guidelines if there is a separate agreement, rule and guidance for a specific service, and users shall abide by this agreement when accepting all other services.

   1.5 On the basis of this agreement, the PDlive live broadcast will formulate the rules of the publishing platform. The platform rules are an effective part of this agreement, and the user's acceptance and compliance with this Agreement are also regarded as the acceptance and compliance of the platform rules.

   1.6 GOVERNING LAW- These Terms of Service and any separate agreements whereby we provide you Services shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the HK laws.


  2. PDlive Account Rules

   2.1 the user needs to register (upgrade) the PDlive account through the real name mobile phone number. After the registration (upgrade) is successful, the PDlive will automatically assign a number to the user according to the system rules, which is the PDlive account number. Users need to set their own passwords that meet the security requirements.

   2.2 the nature of the PDlive account is the certificate for the user to use the PDlive service. The ownership of the PDlive account belongs to the PDlive, and the user only has the right to use the account.

   2.3 the PDlive account is also the identity certificate for users to hold and use relevant virtual property and props. If users need to accept the value-added services provided by PDlives, the PDlive account number is also the certificate for users to pay fees and accept value-added services.

   2.4 the registration of the PDlive account does not mean that the user has obtained the authorization of all the PDlive products, but only the identity of receiving the PDlive service. The user needs to sign a separate license agreement for a single product / service when logging on the relevant webpage, loading applications, downloading and installing software, and using some individual services.

   2.5 Users can log in with the PDlive software and services according to the rules.

   2.6 the PDlive account is limited to the user's mobile phone number registration and real name authentication on the PDlive software, and is only used by the registered and real name authentication users. Donation, borrowing, leasing, transfer or sale of the account number is prohibited.

   2.7 the user guarantees that the identity information filled in when registering the PDlive account is true, and the user shall be responsible for any illegal, untrue and inaccurate user information. Users should constantly update the registration information to meet the requirements of timely, detailed, true and accurate. All the original input data will refer to the user's account registration information. If the user's registration information is not true and caused by the problem, as well as the consequences of the problem, PDlive will not be held responsible.

   2.8 the user shall ensure that the nickname of the PDlive account shall comply with the requirements of the provisions on the management of Internet user account name, and shall not set any content that endangers national security, national unity and social stability, or insult, slander, pornography, violence, causing others' uneasiness and any content that violates national laws, regulations and policies.

   2.9 in order to make full use of the PDlive account resources, if the user has not logged in to use the PDlive account for a long time, the PDlive has the right to cancel, recycle, replace or delete any records of the account in the PDlive software database (including but not limited to registration information, virtual gift information, etc.), and the corresponding service will be terminated at the same time. Before clearing such accounts, PDlive will inform users by means of pop-up window, website announcement, station message and client push information.


  3. User usage rules

   3.1 the user shall guarantee the authenticity and accuracy of the information released and disseminated by the PDlive software, and shall not make use of the PDlive service to produce, copy, publish, disseminate and store the information containing the following contents:

   (1) Opposing the basic principles established in the constitution;

   (2) Endangering national security, divulging state secrets, subverting state power and destroying national unity;

   (3) Damaging the honor and interests of the state;

   (4) Inciting national hatred and discrimination and undermining national unity;

   (5) Those who undermine the state's religious policy and propagate heresy and feudal superstition;

   (6) Spreading rumors, disturbing social order and destroying social stability;

   (7) Spreading obscenity, pornography, gambling, violence, murder, terror or abetting crimes;

   (8) Insulting or slandering others and infringing upon their intellectual property rights or other legitimate rights and interests;

   (9) Inciting illegal assembly, association, procession, demonstration or gathering people to disturb social order;

   (10) Containing false, harmful, threatening, infringing upon the privacy of others, slandering, vulgar, or other morally offensive content;

   (11) Containing other contents prohibited by laws and administrative regulations.

   3.2 users are not allowed to publish advertisements and sell goods on PDlive software in violation of regulations, including but not limited to the following behaviors:

   (1) Publish pornographic and vulgar contents such as pornographic websites and adult products websites;

   (2) Release and publicize the contents of fake and inferior products or products sold without authorization;

   (3) Publish and publicize the product contents that are forbidden by the state or sold without national license;

   (4) Release and publicize the contents of selling virtual currency and platform props;

   (5) Publish, organize and publicize the part-time content of network;

   (6) Publicize the links of other platforms and online games;

   (7) Maliciously swipe the screen and disturb the order of the platform;

   (8) Other contents that violate laws and regulations or the rules of PDlive live broadcasting platform.

   3.3 Users shall not engage in any behavior endangering computer network security, including but not limited to: using unauthorized data or accessing unauthorized servers / accounts; accessing public computer networks or other people's computer systems without permission and deleting, modifying or adding stored information; attempting to detect, scan and test the weakness of the software system or network without permission; or Other acts of destroying network security; attempting to interfere with or destroy the normal operation of the "software" system or website, deliberately spreading malicious programs or viruses, and other acts of damaging and interfering with normal network information services; forging TCP / IP packet names or partial names.

   3.4 Users are not allowed to conduct any behavior that undermines the fairness of PDlive service or other behaviors that affect the normal order of the application, including but not limited to active or passive brushing points, cheating in partnership, using plug-in or other cheating software, using bug (also known as "vulnerability" or "defect") to obtain improper illegal interests, or using the Internet or other means to plug-in, cheat software, B UG was made public.

   3.5 users are not allowed to transfer the PDlive account number for compensation or free to avoid disputes. Users shall bear any responsibility arising therefrom, and PDlive reserves the right to investigate the legal liability of the above-mentioned perpetrators.

   3.6 the user shall not have any other behavior that damages the interests of the PDlive.

   3.7 if the user purchases the diamond successfully, he will refund the diamond after consuming it, which will be regarded as malicious refund / fraud, and the PDlive account will be banned.

   3.8 if the user violates the relevant provisions of this agreement, PDlive has the right to take the following punishment measures according to the seriousness of the case, including but not limited to: temporarily limiting the use of the account, permanently freezing a function of the account, permanently closing the account, recovering the account number, eliminating illegal income, deducting guarantee money or commission, terminating all services, etc.

   3.9 PDlives shall limit, freeze or terminate users' use of PDlive services in accordance with this Agreement and relevant platform rules or relevant laws and regulations


  4. Notification statement

   4.1 Users should understand that in the process of using the PDlive service, there may be risks of anonymous or fake information from others, including threatening, defamatory, offensive or illegal content or behavior, or infringement of other people's rights (including intellectual property rights). Users shall bear the above risks. PDlive does not guarantee the service, whether explicit or implied, including all relevant information The implied warranty and conditions of information authenticity, suitability for a particular purpose, ownership and non infringement shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special and subsequent damages caused by improper or illegal use of the service by users.

   4.2 users must abide by the relevant laws and policies of the state, safeguard national interests, protect national security, and abide by this clause. Users shall be fully responsible for all liabilities caused by users' illegal use or violation of this Agreement (including but not limited to speech, transmission, etc.).

   4.3 Like most Internet products, PDlive service is vulnerable to various security problems, including but not limited to: 1) disclosing detailed personal data, being used by lawless elements, causing harassment in real life; 2) cheating and decoding passwords; 3) downloading and installing other software containing "Trojan horse" and other viruses, threatening the security of personal computing information and data All, and then affect the use of the software. In case of any of the above circumstances, the user shall bear the responsibility.

   4.4 users understand that the instability of Internet technology may lead to government policy control, virus invasion, hacker attack, server system crash or other risks that cannot be solved by current technology. The above risks may lead to the interruption of PDlive service or the loss of account props. PDlive shall not be responsible for the loss caused by non-human factors.

   4.5 PDlives are not responsible for the product effect, publicity and information accuracy of advertisements published on this website, and users can judge by themselves when contacting these advertisements.

   4.6 the user agrees that the device or software that the operator receives information from includes but is not limited to fixed line telephone, mobile phone, email, Facebook, etc. to send service information and commercial advertisement.


  5. Intellectual property

   5.1 the text, picture, video, audio, software and other elements of the PDlive, as well as the service logo, logo and patent right of the PDlive. The PDlive enjoys the intellectual property rights of all the above contents.

   5.2 users can only use the PDlive intellectual property rights within the scope authorized by this Agreement and the corresponding license agreement when using the PDlive software services. Unauthorized use of the PDlive beyond the scope of use constitutes an infringement of the PDlive.

   5.3 When using the PDlive software service, users publish the uploaded text, pictures, audio and video, software and performance, etc. the intellectual property rights of this part of information belong to the user, but the user's publishing and uploading behavior is the authorization of the PDlive service platform. The user confirms that the information published and uploaded is non exclusive and permanent authorized to the PDlive, and the authorization can be transferred. PDlive can use the above information on its service platform, edit it again, or authorize the partner to use it.

   5.4 if the information in the PDlive software and the information uploaded, stored and transmitted by other users infringe upon the intellectual property rights of users or third parties, the PDlive provides a complaint channel. The right holder shall be responsible for the authenticity of the complaint. If the content of the complaint is not true, the obligee will bear all the legal liabilities caused by it. After receiving the complaint and complete supporting materials from the obligee, the PDlive will immediately delete the suspected infringing works or disconnect the links of the suspected infringing works.


  6. Fee service

   6.1 some functions or applications of the PDlive software involve payment. The user's behavior of entering the account password is regarded as the acceptance and subscription of the charging service. Once the user accepts the subscription fee service, he / she needs to pay according to the charging standard announced by the PDlive.

   6.2 when consuming, please know the consumption price and matters in advance; if the user is a minor, please consume with the approval of the guardian.

   6.3 the rights and interests obtained by users after payment shall not be transferred to a third party.


  7. Account security and privacy protection

   7.1 the user's PDlive account number and password belong to confidential information, and the PDlive shall take positive measures to protect the security of user's account number and password. The user's registered information is protected as a PDlive. However, users also understand that the openness of the Internet and technology update is very fast, and the PDlive will not be responsible for any leakage caused by factors beyond the control of the PDlive.

   7.2 users shall keep their PDlive account number and password properly,The user shall be fully responsible for all activities under his / her account number and password, including modification of user data, loss of virtual props and other losses.Users should pay attention to the password protection of PDlive account. If users find that others use their account without permission, they will immediately inform the PDlive.

   7.3 after losing or forgetting the password of the PDlive account, the user can retrieve the account according to the forgotten password of the PDlive. Users should constantly provide personal password protection data that can increase the security of the account. Users can fill in the appeal one-way PDlive with the account identity authentication information, initial registration information and personal password protection information to apply for retrieving the account number. The password retrieval mechanism of the PDlive is only responsible for identifying the correctness of the information filled in the complaint form and the data recorded in the system, but can not identify whether the petitioner is the real user of the account number.The PDlive does not bear any responsibility for any loss caused by the user's fake complaint. The user knows that the responsibility for keeping the PDlive account number and password lies with the user. PDlive does not promise that the user will be able to retrieve the account through appeal after the PDlive account number is lost or forgotten.

   7.4 if the user of the PDlive account has a dispute about the use of the account, the PDlive will be judged according to the information submitted by the user according to the evaluation rules. In case of dispute over the account number of the PDlive, the PDlive has the right to suspend the use of the disputed account temporarily. The loss caused by this, including but not limited to the user's communication interruption and related service suspension, shall be borne by the user.

   7.5 please note that users should not disclose their important information such as various property accounts, bank cards, credit cards, third-party payment accounts and corresponding passwords during the use of PDlive software services, otherwise any losses arising therefrom shall be borne by the users themselves.

   7.6 when using the PDlive software service, users are not allowed to publish and upload the information that they think is private to the PDlive software, nor can they transmit such information to other people through the service of the PDlive software. If the privacy leakage caused by the user's behavior, the user shall bear the responsibility.

   7.7 the PDlive may collect user information when providing services, and the PDlive will clearly inform the user. Generally, the information is limited to the user's name, gender, age, date of birth, region, etc., and the user agrees with the above behavior of the PDlive.

   7.8 PDlive software shall not be liable for any of the following matters:

   (1) PDlives provide users' personal information according to the law or the requirements of relevant government agencies, security organs and judicial organs;

   (2) Any leakage of personal information caused by the user's informing others of the user's password or sharing the registered account with others, or other personal information leakage not caused by the PDlive;

   (3) Any information leakage caused by hacker attack and computer virus invasion;

   (4) Information leakage caused by force majeure.

   7.9 PDlives attach importance to the protection of users' privacy. Users' information and other specific information are protected and regulated in accordance with the privacy policy. For details, please refer to the privacy policy.


  8. Notice

   8.1 the user agrees that the PDlive shall serve all kinds of notices to the user in the following reasonable ways:

   (1) Public copy;

   (2) System message, pop-up message and client push message;

   (3) According to the contact information reserved by users in the PDlive software, e-mail, SMS, letters, etc.

   8.2 for any dispute arising from the trading activities on the PDlive software, the user agrees that the judicial authorities can serve legal documents to the user through modern communication methods such as SMS, e-mail, etc. The mobile phone number, e-mail address and other contact information designated by the user to receive legal documents are the mobile phone number and e-mail contact information provided by the user when registering and updating the PDlive software. The legal document sent to the above contact information by the judicial organ is deemed to have been delivered. The mailing address designated by the user is the legal contact address of the user or the valid contact address provided by the user.

   8.3 the user agrees that the judicial organ may take one or more of the above service methods to reach the legal document to the user, and the judicial organ can serve the legal document to the user by various ways, and the service time shall be subject to the first service among the above service methods.

   8.4 the user shall ensure that the contact information provided is accurate and effective, and shall be updated in real time. If the legal documents cannot be delivered or not delivered in time due to the inaccurate contact information provided or the changed contact information is not timely informed, the user shall bear the possible legal consequences.

9. Return policy

The return policy varies according to the items purchased by customers. Please be sure to know the relevant return policy before shopping and consider whether to buy or not. In case of any dispute, our company has the final interpretation and decision-making right.

Details are as follows:

9.1A. As diamonds and star coins are virtual products, once delivered, unreasonable refund/return or exchange will not be accepted. B. Customers are responsible for keeping the transaction number obtained by our company properly, and will never transfer it to others easily. If it is stolen due to negligence, the related products will not be returned. C. If a customer gives his membership information or payment information to others, it will be regarded as an abuse of our return policy, and our company will not give a refund.

9.2 In case of special circumstances, our company may consider taking appropriate measures, including but not limited to diamonds and star coins: with PDLIVE's official consent, and after the relevant formalities and procedures are completed, our company may give customers a refund.


  10. Other clauses

   10.1 the signing, interpretation and dispute settlement of this Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the HK.

   10.2 the signing place of this agreement is the HK. In case of any dispute between the user and the PDlive, both parties agree to submit the dispute to the people's court with jurisdiction in the place where the agreement is signed for settlement.

   10.3 this agreement is published by the PDlive on the website, which has legal binding force on the PDlive; once the user clicks to accept or directly logs in, it is deemed as the acceptance of this Agreement and has legal binding force on the user.



